
Oct 10, 2023
The Lie of Moral Superiority: Part 2
One lesson we can learn from the last decade of American history is that spiritual warfare is real. The kingdom of God and the realm of...

Oct 3, 2023
Wisdom's Heart
Today is October 3. If you’re in the habit of reading the chapter of Proverbs that corresponds with the day of the month, a habit I...

Sep 26, 2023
The Lie of Moral Superiority
Do Christians think they are morally superior to unbelievers? Are we “better” than someone who doesn’t believe in Jesus Christ? Even if...

Sep 19, 2023
The Fit Christian
Christians should be in God’s Word daily with the purpose of training their minds and strengthening their faith. However, since we live...

Sep 12, 2023
A Change of Perspective
Because humans are sinners and live in a fallen world, wherever there are people there are problems. Often, it’s when people form social...

Aug 29, 2023
Principles for Christian Politics
In America, the political season never ebbs entirely. But we are about to enter the part of the cycle where the tide comes in strong, so...