
Oct 15, 2024
Wisdom's LORD
Modern people often stumble at the LORD’s hatred. They think that since He is love, He cannot hate.

Aug 20, 2024
Answering Pro-Abortion Objections
This November citizens of Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Missouri, Nevada, New York, and South Dakota will be voting to change...

Jun 11, 2024
Good and Evil
Genesis 1 records how God created the world in six days—light, firmament, land and plants, heavenly bodies, birds and fish, land animals,...

May 14, 2024
It's All in Genesis
Americans have changed their convictions on sexual morality over the last 50 years. That statement is unsurprising to anyone who has paid...

Nov 14, 2023
God's Hand in Creation
In elementary and high school science courses, many of us learned all about natural and biological cycles. Take this simplified...

Oct 10, 2023
The Lie of Moral Superiority: Part 2
One lesson we can learn from the last decade of American history is that spiritual warfare is real. The kingdom of God and the realm of...

Sep 26, 2023
The Lie of Moral Superiority
Do Christians think they are morally superior to unbelievers? Are we “better” than someone who doesn’t believe in Jesus Christ? Even if...

Aug 1, 2023
The Nature of Angels
All nations contain records of belief in spirit beings. Ancient Israelites, Egyptians, and Romans each believed that spirit beings...

Jul 18, 2023
The Pressure to Conform
If American culture continues along the path of exchanging the truth of God for lies, believers will encounter more people who reject...

Jun 27, 2023
3 Reasons Not to Celebrate Pride Month
The book of 1 Corinthians is well-known as a rebuke letter. It is strong, confrontational, and direct. However, though it is lesser known...

Feb 21, 2023
The Marvel of Creation
Just about 1,600 light years, or 9.4 million billion miles from earth, is Gaia BH1, the nearest detected black hole to earth. Though this...

Jan 3, 2023
Someone recently asked me, “Do you believe in guardian angels?” The short answer to the question is yes, but not as angels are commonly...

Nov 15, 2022
True Experience
Not long ago I watched a debate between a philosophy professor and a woman who had been converted to Christ in adulthood. Both the...

Nov 24, 2021
Celebrating Thanksgiving Like An Atheist?
What are your plans for this Thanksgiving Day? Many Americans will enjoy the day of leisure by sleeping in, and then possibly watching...

Oct 12, 2021
Are You Listening?
“God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto...

Mar 26, 2021
Are You A Hellfire and Brimstone Preacher?
On several occasions during my time in Pastoral ministry people have asked me, "Are you a hellfire and brimstone preacher?" And of...

May 19, 2020
Who is Jesus?
Some people say Jesus was just a prophet or a rabbi, among many prophets and rabbis who lived in His day. Some say He’s just an...

May 14, 2020
Is the Church an ESSENTIAL Service?
(Video included below article) After nearly two months of only being able to gather with our church via live stream, I’m thankful that...

May 6, 2020
What's the Purpose of Life?
This is a question that almost everyone asks themselves at some point. Often people will conclude that their purpose in life is their...

May 1, 2020
Blaming God for COVID-19?
May 1, 2020 - (Video included below article) Who or what do we blame for COVID-19? Surprisingly, over the last several weeks, I’ve heard...