
Jun 3, 2020
Jesus' Mission Accomplished
As Christians we make much of Jesus’ efficacious death through crucifixion, and we make much of His resurrection from the grave, and...

May 20, 2020
Why Did Jesus Come to the Earth?
Some people believe that Jesus came into the world primarily for social reasons. They believe that He came to feed the poor, and heal the...

Apr 29, 2020
Sinners: Different Shapes & Sizes
Wednesday, April 29, 2020 Jesus loves the unlovable. He loves sinners, and sinners come in all shapes and sizes. In John 3, Jesus shows...

Sep 6, 2019
The Bible is Unique
Dr. Leeland Crotts explains the uniqueness of the Bible from the standpoint of prophecy. To compare the Bible with other books is...