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Counting My American Blessings

Writer: Strength For LifeStrength For Life

Updated: Nov 18, 2022

(Video Included Below)

Personally I am shocked by the growing number of Christians across America who are against patriotism. I understand that the gospel is our top priority, however an important Christian attribute is gratitude. To be unpatriotic in America is to be unthankful.

Especially this time of the year, it is important for us to pause and count our American blessings.

For me, first of all, I love America because I possess the freedom to stand on any public street corner and tell people about my personal Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Not only that but, I love America, because I can freely lead my family of five to follow the Christian model or blueprint given for the home as revealed in the Bible.

I love America because I can freely assemble with my church family Sunday after Sunday to worship our risen Savior and to be strengthened by the people of God and to be challenged by the Word of God.

I love America because of its clear undeniable Christian heritage and biblical foundation.

I love America because of the sacrifice of soldiers, both men and women, who have given of themselves to protect this land, to protect our citizens, and to protect each of our precious freedoms.

I love America because a person can go from being an inner city delinquent kid from a broken home in North Minneapolis, to pastoring NorthStone Baptist Church in Sunny Pensacola.

There is no other country in the world that provides these blessings in such a lavish way.

There’s no other country in the world where hard work is so amply rewarded. America is the land where dreams come true.

Let each of us count our American blessings. May we humbly and sincerely thank God for His gracious blessings on this great nation, the United States of America.

COMMENT below and let me know what you appreciate about America.




This devotion was written by Pastor James C. Johnson. These devotionals are being published throughout this pandemic in an effort to further strengthen the faith of our NorthStone church family. Feel free to comment below to offer your feedback about today's devotion.


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of NorthStone Baptist Church

Pastor James C. Johnson

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