The Bible reminds us that you are "fearfully and wonderfully made." You are God’s creation and “marvelous are His works.”
You bear the stamp known as the “Imago Dei” as you are "made in the image of God." So, there’s no sense in worrying about how tall or how short you are. There’s no sense in comparing your looks to the looks of someone else. God made you just as you are. The Bible says that “he covered you in your mother’s womb” and He “formed you in her belly.”
Further, Psalm 139:17 explains that you are in God’s thoughts. God is thinking about YOU.
Be encouraged, He loves you very much! The exact way He made you provides you with unique opportunities to live for His glory. Steward those opportunities wisely, and praise Him for His marvelous works.
This devotion was written by Pastor James C. Johnson. These devotionals are being published throughout this pandemic in an effort to further strengthen the faith of our NorthStone church family. Feel free to comment below to offer your feedback about today's devotion.
"Overcoming Jealousy" - Pastor James C. Johnson