The phrase, “more than conquerors“ is so well-known that it has become Christian cliché and maybe even trite. Most Christians are familiar with the phrase “more than conquerors” because it’s included in old hymns and modern choruses. Because the name connotes competition, Christian schools often use “conquerors” as a team name. As the name becomes culturally familiar, however, many people have lost the concept of conquerings as it is used in the biblical context of Romans 8. Yet despite its overuse, when you understand what it means to be a biblical conqueror and apply it accurately to your situation, it’ll cultivate a spiritual swagger like never before. Additionally, "more than conquerors” is a powerful and true description of Christians throughout the generations. We ARE truly “more than conquerors.”
So what does the term mean?
Romans 8:37 says that, “in all these things, we are more than conquerors.” Consider to what “these things“ refers. The phrase refers to the content of the previous verses. "These things” are “tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, sword” (8:35). However, don’t jump right to the list of trials and overlook the little preposition “in.“ The passage is teaching us that “in“ the midst of the stress and craziness of tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, and sword--IN the midst of “all these things”--“we are more than conquerors.”
Most people feel like a conqueror BEFORE times of tribulation or distress arrive in their life. Everything was going well, they think, before that trying time began. Or, perhaps they feel like a conqueror AFTER the time of persecution famine or nakedness ends and the pressure is lifted. The text is teaching us something different than either of these common feelings: Christians are “more than conquerors” IN these times of difficulty. That’s powerful!
Perhaps at this point you think that the text is suggesting some nebulous power-of-positive-thinking in the midst of difficult times. It is not. Being “more than a conqueror” is not an abstract idea, but it is deeply rooted in the last phrase of verse 37.
“In all these things," verse 37 says, "we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.” Being “more than conquerors” has its roots in the gospel! Our ability to conquer is rooted in “him that loved us” so much that He “spared not His own Son but delivered Him up for us all” (8:32). It is not our power that makes us conquerors; "it is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God who also maketh intercession for us” (8:34).
The essence of being “more than conquerors” is the truth that even when it feels like the sky is falling, when you’re facing tribulation, distress, or persecution, when you don’t have any food, you don’t have clothes, and you’re facing danger and even death, no one can take away from you the fact that Christ has provided everlasting life for YOU, dear Christian. Even if the trials of your life take your life from you, heaven awaits. And “to be with Christ is far better” (Philippians 1:23)!
For the Christian, death is not loss; death is a doorway. The headaches and trials of this old world are no threat to the Christian because, “if God be for us, who can be against us” (8:31)? The point is that, since God is for us salvifically, it doesn’t matter who comes against us temporally. We are “more than conquerors” because of the gospel. We are "more than conquerors” in this life because we possess eternal life through Christ.
Notice that the verse doesn’t just say “conquerors.“ It says “MORE than conquerors.” It’s like saying, “He’s not just a millionaire, he’s a multimillionaire!”
So, come what may in this life, "I am persuaded [Paul is absolutely sure] that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,
nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (8:39).
This God-confidence is what it means to be “more than a conqueror.” The assurance Paul displays allowed Christians like Stephen in Acts 7 to look death in the eye and have no fear. Apply this truth to your life today and you’ll start to walk through this life with the spiritual swagger I mentioned earlier. Let this explanation help you cultivate God-confidence as you face the uncertain circumstances of this temporal life.
Because after all, “in all these things we ARE more than conquerors through Him that loved us.” Praise God for that, and let that Biblical truth strengthen your faith, for God’s glory.
The above article was written by Pastor James C. Johnson. He is the pastor of NorthStone Baptist Church in Pensacola, FL. To offer him your feedback, comment below or email us at strengthforlife461@gmail.com.
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