Some people feel strong or independent because of their personal resources. Things such as financial security, connections to influential people, or individual intelligence often give us a false sense of personal strength or even invincibility.
Interestingly, Isaiah 40:29 indicates that God only gives spiritual strength to those that know they’re weak.
Muhammad Ali, the famous boxing champion, was about to fly on a commercial airplane when the stewardess asked all the passengers to be seated and buckle their seatbelts.
Ali said to the stewardess, “Don’t you know who I am? I’m Superman, and Superman doesn’t need a seatbelt.”
The stewardess replied, “Well, superman doesn’t need a plane either, now sit down, and buckle your seatbelt!”
The application for us is that we’re not as strong as we think we are. We need God. We need to know Him through His Word, and walk with Him by His Spirit. Our sinful flesh has a propensity to pursue a self-willed and self-gratifying independence. Our propensity is to walk in our own strength.
Yet God says, "My strength is made perfect in your weakness." Lasting spiritual strength starts with a regular recognition of our own weakness.
I encourage you to call upon God humbly in your weakness, and ask Him for a fresh dose of His lasting strength.
This devotion was written by Pastor James C. Johnson. These devotionals are being published throughout this pandemic in an effort to further strengthen the faith of our NorthStone church family. Feel free to comment below to offer your feedback about today's devotion.
"Legalism Explained" - Pastor James C. Johnson