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The Golden Rule of Prayer

Updated: Nov 18, 2022

Pastor James C. Johnson - May 4, 2020

With our National Day of Prayer coming up later this week, let's focus on the ministry of prayer.

Did you know that in scripture the “Golden Rule” is given to us in the context of prayer? This may seem a little shocking since when most people refer to the golden rule, it's often applied to many different situations, but seldom applied to prayer.

Matthew 7:12 gives us what we call "The Golden Rule:" “Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.”

Just previous to that verse in Matthew 7 are instructions that we are to “ask, seek, and knock” through prayer, and the Lord will provide "good things."

So, understanding that the golden rule is in the context of prayer, a relevant question is, “Do you pray for others like you would want them to pray for you?”

Maybe you're in a situation where you need God to provide for you in a huge way spiritually, financially, or even physically. The Bible is instructing the reader to not only "ask, seek, and knock" for your needs, but also “ask, seek, and knock” for the needs of others.

The Golden Rule of prayer is, the way I would want others praying for me is the way I should be praying for others.

This Golden Rule teaches us that we should supplicate for others with the same passion that we want them to supplicate for us. It teaches us to pray fervent, faith-filled, believing prayers, like we want them to do for us; to approach God's throne boldly on behalf of others, like we want them to do for us.

And, if we will, this gives us the amazing opportunity to marvel at how God not only provides "good things" for us, but also marvel as He provides "good things" for others as well.

Let's pray for others the way we want them praying for us.

Scripture Reading: Matthew 7:7-12


This devotion was written by Pastor James C. Johnson. These devotionals are being published throughout this pandemic in an effort to further strengthen the faith of our NorthStone church family. Keep the conversation going! Comment below to offer your feedback about today's devotion.


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