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Tips for Overcoming Sadness

Writer: Strength For LifeStrength For Life

Updated: Nov 18, 2022

#1 Get to a place that reminds you of God's creation. Maybe for you it's being by the crisp ocean water, or maybe it's being in a colorful wooded area, or maybe it's looking up at a star-filled night sky. Wherever your place is, get there and take some deep breaths of God's creation and be invigorated.

#2 Get your Bible and read Psalms like 136 which explains that God’s beautiful love for you never changes, never falters, and never ends. Or read Psalm 117, which tells you that God’s faithfulness toward you goes on forever. Or read Psalm 139 about how God purposefully created you as an intricate work of art, and He cares about every part of you.

#3 Get to your Comforter. In John 14 and 16 Jesus describes the Holy Spirit as the Comforter. And, in 2 Corinthians 1:3-5, God the Father is described as "the God of all Comfort."

The Comforter will help you put into proper perspective, whatever is causing your sadness.

He will guide your perspective to an eternal one. The sadness of this life will seem very small compared to the majesty and power of the eternal God. Your sadness can quickly be turned to joy as you recognize how much He loves you and that He has a specific purpose for you to accomplish in this life. You will find comfort as you recognize that He loved you before the foundation of the world began. He loved you before you ever loved Him, and He will never leave you nor forsake you.

Review: Get to a place that clearly reflects His creation. Get into His timeless Word, and get to the Comforter and find a limitless supply of divine JOY.

The above article was written by James C. Johnson. He is the Pastor of NorthStone Baptist Church in Pensacola. To offer him your feedback, find him on twitter, @JamesJohnsonSFL or email him at


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of NorthStone Baptist Church

Pastor James C. Johnson

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