It’s true that men can behave in sinful, toxic ways. I addressed Toxic Masculinity in a recent video here. But just like there is a sinful type of masculinity, there is also a sinful, toxic version of femininity. This version is the culturally promoted ideology of feminism. Most biblically informed individuals recognize that the modern feminist movement has been a tool of Satan. Nearly everything that movement represents is opposed to what God has created women to be.
First, feminism today motivates young women to be morally loose. Feminists say it’s OK to have sex outside of marriage. If you get pregnant, you can simply abort the baby. After all, it’s your body, and the baby is just a clump of cells. Essentially, the feminist movement promotes sex with no commitment and no consequences.
Obviously, God is against such sexual promiscuity. The Bible explains that a woman is instead to be chaste and pursue purity. The price of a woman like this is far above rubies (Proverbs 31:10). Titus 2:4 further explains that wise women have learned “to love their husbands, to love their children.” You don’t abort that which God instructs you to love. According to Titus 2, fidelity to our families is one way we show our fidelity to God.
Second, feminism encourages women to be loud and aggressive. The egalitarian idea that women are to match men in every way has created a culture not of equality, but of subservient husbands and women in roles that have responsibilities and pressures God never intended them to have to bear.
By contrast, the Bible instructs women to adorn themselves with “a meek and quiet spirit” (1 Peter 3:4). This doesn’t mean that women aren’t spunky. Certainly, they should be. It doesn’t mean that women need to be stifled. After all, ladies' fun personalities are given to them by God and therefore have many legitimate avenues of expression. One example is in 1 Peter 3, which indicates that a woman’s personality is designed by God to be a blessing to her family. A “meek and quiet spirit” doesn’t mean being a doormat; instead, the Bible says that when females adorn themselves with this meek and quiet spirit, it “is in the sight of God of great price.” That describes value! The godly feminine spirit is truly valuable to God and to a family. When a woman has this type of spirit, it shows that she has a mature trust in God (1 Peter 3:4-5). What a great way to reveal her inner beauty.
Third, feminism tells women they should lead men, not the other way around. By no means is this desire to lead a new idea. All the way back in the book of Genesis the Bible explains that part of the curse is that women would desire to rule over their husbands, and would continually attempt to assert leadership over them (Genesis 3:16-17).
Even though the world hates it, God has truly ordained men to be leaders in the home, in the church, and in society. This does not mean that women don’t have leadership skills. In God’s plan, older women should lead younger women, and mothers have the happy responsibility of leading their children (Titus 2:4-5). Remember that, as mothers lead their sons, they are positively impacting the male leadership of future generations. What a huge privilege and stewardship!
In conclusion, God does not want women to be loose, to be loud, or to wrongfully lead men. Regardless how aggressively the world insists the contrary, He didn’t design ladies for those things. God created females for something SO much better. He created a lady to be loved by her husband with a sacrificial love (Ephesians 5:25). A wife is to be loved in the same way that Christ loved the church. He created females to be cherished and highly esteemed. Females are the fairer sex. When a woman maintains her feminine spirit, her husband is naturally attracted to her beauty.
Women are in no way less than men, and men are in no way less than women. Both men and women are equally important both to God and to the fostering of a healthy society, yet men and women are to function in unique roles as defined by God’s Word. God‘s plan is for men to embrace a Christlike masculinity and for women to pursue a God-honoring femininity and then for both of them to enjoy the peace, harmony, and safety that comes from the two distinct roles helping and complementing one another.
Beware of the world’s agenda, and avoid any tendency towards “toxic femininity.” Instead, embrace the many blessings that come from being the lady that God created you to be.
The above article was written by Pastor James C. Johnson. He is the pastor of NorthStone Baptist Church in Pensacola, FL. To offer him your feedback, comment below or email us at strengthforlife461@gmail.com.
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