Sick of Sin? This Will Help - An Explanation of Psalm 101
A Vow of Holiness - Psalm 101 - "I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes."
As Christians, our lives are supposed to be marked by holiness. Right? (1 Peter 1:15-16, Romans 6:22)
Unfortunately, many Christians do the opposite. We sometimes live consumed with gossip, or lust, or jealousy, or self-centeredness, just like the unsaved world around us.
Let me tell you, those things will destroy you from the inside out.
Psalm 101 is a Psalm that will strengthen you. Specifically, the psalmist makes a vow. It is a vow to live a holy life.
The psalmist is sick of sin, and he wants to please God. Sin has brought him pain and heartache and regret.
Have you experienced the emptiness of sin? Are YOU sick of it?
If so, I want you to understand this Psalm.
I’m going to break up Psalm 101 into 3 sections and if you’re interested in victorious Christian living, I promise, this Psalm will help you.
And, if possible, open your Bible to Psalm 101 and follow along. You will get a lot out of this if you can do that.
And, if you stay with me to the end of this article because there’s a little bit of a surprise ending.
1. ME
First, The Psalmist starts with “Me.”
Notice that the Psalmist starts by controlling what he can control. He can’t control others around him, but he’s saying, “I can control me.”
Notice the word “myself,” in verse 2. Do you see it there?
He says “I will behave MYSELF wisely, in a perfect way.” The word perfect there means blameless. He’s saying, “I’m going to have a blameless behavior. They might blame me but it’s going to be a false accusation because I’m going to behave myself wisely, and I’m going to walk in a perfect or blameless way.”
Then, notice also the words, “my house” in verse 2. He says “When I’m at my house, I’m going to walk with integrity of heart. I can’t control what they do in the house next door. I can’t control what they do in the workplace, or in the city around me. I can’t control what they do in the country in which I live, but in MY HOUSE, I will conduct myself in holiness.”
Not only myself and my house, but then notice in verse 3, he talks about “mine eyes.”
He says, “I will say no wicked thing before my eyes.”
Then in verse 4 the Psalmist mentions his heart. He says, “a froward heart shall depart from me.”
He understands that what he puts before his eyes affects his heart. They’re connected.
The Psalmist is sick of sin, and he wants to please God so he says, “I’m going to behave MYSELF and I’m going to take care of MY HOUSE and I’m going to guard MY EYES so that I’m better able to protect MY heart.”
The Psalmist starts with “Me” but then secondly, consider “Them.” Notice the word “them” in verse number 3.
The psalmist describes various groups of people who would hinder his holy pursuits.
He says it’s “them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.” The word “cleave” there means influence. He says, “Those people who used to walk with God but turn aside, I’m not going to let them influence me.”
Then in verse 4, he says, “I will not know a wicked person.”
Then in verse 5, he describes “them” who are secret slanderers. Even though gossip is juicy, he says, “I’m going to cut them off from my life so I can pursue holiness.”
Also, “them” that have “a high look and a proud heart, I will not suffer them.” He’s saying, “I will not endure them. I have no patience for them in my life.”
Also, “them” that are “deceivers and liars.” “They’re not going to dwell within my house. I’m not going to let them tarry in my sight.”
The last group is “them” that are “wicked doers from the city of the Lord.”
I will “destroy” or cut them off, first thing early in the morning. Those retail shops in the city that promote evil. I’m not going to support businesses that promote anything unholy.
I’m done with all of them. I’m cutting them off from my life. ...
Strength for Life is a Ministry of NorthStone Baptist Church in Pensacola
Pastor James C. Johnson
2550 W Nine Mile Road
Pensacola, FL 32534
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